Discover our loyalty programme and its many advantages, with which we aim to spoil you even more!
If you are subscribed to our newsletter, you are already part of the club! Not registered yet? You can join our programme for free on the website.
Discover our loyalty programme and its many advantages, with which we aim to spoil you even more!
If you are subscribed to our newsletter, you are already part of the club! Not registered yet? You can join our programme for free on the website.

You earn points with every purchase made on our site. These points are valid for one year from the date of purchase and expire once this period has passed. Bonus points are awarded when registering for the newsletter for the first time. You can earn more by taking part in our surveys or consulting our newsletters.
You earn points with every purchase made on our site. These points are valid for one year from the date of purchase and expire once this period has passed. Bonus points are awarded when registering for the newsletter for the first time. You can earn more by taking part in our surveys or consulting our newsletters.

- Collect points online
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, for your birthday
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, as a reward for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Collect points online
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, for your birthday
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, as a reward for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales

- Collect points online
- 20% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 20% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events
- Collect points online
- 20% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 20% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events

- Collect points online
- 25% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 25% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events
- SMS alerts for exclusive sales and VIP offers
- Exclusive items at member prices
- Collect points online
- 25% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 25% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events
- SMS alerts for exclusive sales and VIP offers
- Exclusive items at member prices

- Collect points online
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, for your birthday
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, as a reward for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Collect points online
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, for your birthday
- 15% off when purchasing 2 or more items, as a reward for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales

- Collect points online
- 20% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 20% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events
- Collect points online
- 20% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 20% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events

- Collect points online
- 25% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 25% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events
- SMS alerts for exclusive sales and VIP offers
- Exclusive items at member prices
- Collect points online
- 25% off for your birthday with a promo code
- 25% off for reaching this level
- Early access to new products, offers and exclusive sales
- Additional discounts for certain periods and brand events
- SMS alerts for exclusive sales and VIP offers
- Exclusive items at member prices
Join Le Club to enjoy special advantages and priviledges
(exclusive sales, previews, a surprise on your birthday, and more!)
Rejoignez Le Club pour bénéficier d’avantages et de privilèges
(ventes privées, avant-premières, cadeaux pour votre anniversaire…)
If you do not have a customer account:
To join the Toutes Georgettes Club, all you have to do is create your customer account online on our website lesgeorgettes.com.
If you are already a customer:
You will be able to join the programme directly from your online account.
You are a customer and receive our newsletters:
You are already part of the Toutes Georgettes Club! You can check your status and points on your online account.
You earn points with every purchase made on our site. €1 = 1 point These points are valid for one year from the date of purchase and expire once this period has passed. Bonus points are awarded when registering for the newsletter for the first time. You can earn more by taking part in our surveys or consulting our newsletters.
Depending on your number of points, your status may change.
When you reach Happy Status, you must earn 200 points to reach Passionate Status.
When you reach Passionate Status, you must accumulate 500 points to reach In Love status.
When you reach the In Love Status, you maintain this status by continuing to accumulate points.
You can check your level at any time directly from your customer account on our online site. In your profile, the Club section is displayed above the sections dedicated to your information, addresses, orders and favourites.
When you join the club, you benefit from offers and advantages specific to each status. If you receive a promotional code by email, you can use it on our site. You can choose to keep this code for yourself or give it to a friend. This promotional code is unique and can only be used once.
See General terms and conditions for loyalty programme.